Publications of our Faculty Members after 2012


Razzaq, A., Sharif, A., Yang, X., & Dogan, E. (2024). Influence mechanism of electricity price distortion on industrial green transformation: A spatial analysis of Chinese regions. Energy Economics130, 107308.

Chishti, M. Z., Xia, X., & Dogan, E. (2024). Understanding the effects of artificial intelligence on energy transition: The moderating role of Paris Agreement. Energy Economics, 107388.

Jungo, J., Madaleno, M., Botelho, A., & Dogan, E. (Eds.). (2024). The Role of Financial Inclusion for Reaching Sustainable Development Goals. IGI Global.

Dogan, E., Mohammed, K. S., Khan, Z., & Binsaeed, R. H. (2024). Analyzing the nexus between environmental sustainability and clean energy for the USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-15.

USTAOGLU, E. (2024). Estimation of Demand for Urban Land Uses: A Case Study of Türkiye. Kent Akademisi17(2), 626-650.

Ustaoglu, E., & Williams, B. (2024). The Inter-Relationships of Territorial Quality of Life with Residential Expansion and Densification: A Case Study of Regions in EU Member Countries. Urban Science8(1), 22.

Ustaoglu, E. (2024). Using Night-Time Lights and Statistical Data to Measure Regional Inequality in Turkey. In Recent Developments in Financial Management and Economics (pp. 199-233). IGI Global.

Ustaoglu, E. (2024). A Spatial Econometric Analysis of the Regional Variations of Residential Energy Consumption in Europe. In Green Economy and Renewable Energy Transitions for Sustainable Development (pp. 44-82). IGI Global.



Madaleno, M., Taskin, D., Dogan, E., & Tzeremes, P. (2023). A dynamic connectedness analysis between rare earth prices and renewable energy. Resources Policy85, 103888.

Li, M., Badeeb, R. A., Dogan, E., Gu, X., & Zhang, H. (2023). Ecological footprints and sustainable environmental management: A critical view of China's economy. Journal of environmental management347, 118994.

Casalone, G., Michelangeli, A., Östh, J., & Türk, U. (2023). The effect of lockdown on students’ performance: A comparative study between Italy, Sweden and Turkey. Heliyon9(6).

Chishti, M. Z., Dogan, E., & Zaman, U. (2023). Effects of the circular economy, environmental policy, energy transition, and geopolitical risk on sustainable electricity generation. Utilities Policy82, 101585.

Dogan, E., Hodžić, S., & Šikić, T. F. (2023). Do energy and environmental taxes stimulate or inhibit renewable energy deployment in the European Union?. Renewable Energy202, 1138-1145.

Dogan, E., Luni, T., Majeed, M. T., & Tzeremes, P. (2023). The nexus between global carbon and renewable energy sources: A step towards sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137927.

Hodžić, S., Šikić, T. F., & Dogan, E. (2023). Green environment in the EU countries: The role of financial inclusion, natural resources and energy intensity. Resources Policy82, 103476.

Inglesi-Lotz, R., Dogan, E., Nel, J., & Tzeremes, P. (2023). Connectedness and spillovers in the innovation network of green transportation. Energy Policy, 180, 113686.

Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., Osth, J., & Turk, U. (2023). Cyclists as Intelligent Carriers of Space-Time Environmental Information: Crowd-Sourced Sensor Data for Local Air Quality Measurement and Mobility Analysis in the Netherlands. Journal of Urban Technology, 1-19.

Östh, J., Toger, M., Turk, U., & Michelangeli, A. (2023). Inequality in Urban Amenities.

Östh, J., Toger, M., Türk, U., Kourtit, K., & Nijkamp, P. (2023). Leisure mobility changes during the COVID-19 pandemic–An analysis of survey and mobile phone data in Sweden. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100952.

Özer, İ. S., & Türk, U. (2023). How Does Quality of Life (QOL) Affect Attractiveness of Cities and Internal Migration in Turkey?. Economic Themes61(1), 85-103.

Sharif, A., Brahim, M., Dogan, E., & Tzeremes, P. (2023). Analysis of the spillover effects between green economy, clean and dirty cryptocurrencies. Energy Economics120, 106594.

Shuttleworth, I., Toger, M., Türk, U., & Östh, J. (2023). The Geography of Daily Urban Spatial Mobility During COVID: The Example of Stockholm in 2020 and 2021. In Pandemic and the City (pp. 261-278). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Tekin, H., & Polat, A. Y. (2023). Is leverage a substitute or outcome for governance? Evidence from financial crises. International Journal of Emerging Markets18(4), 1007-1030.

Türk, U., & Östh, J. (2023). Introducing a spatially explicit Gini measure for spatial segregation. Journal of Geographical Systems, 1-20.

Türk, U., & Östh, J. Spatial Competition, Spatial Agglomeration and Survival of Small Businesses in Milan during COVID-19. Scienze Regionali, 0-0.

Tzeremes, P., Dogan, E., & Alavijeh, N. K. (2023). Analyzing the nexus between energy transition, environment and ICT: A step towards COP26 targets. Journal of Environmental Management326, 116598.

Shuttleworth, I., Toger, M., Türk, U., & Östh, J. (2023). Did liberal lockdown policies change spatial behaviour in Sweden? Mapping daily mobilities in Stockholm using mobile phone data during COVID-19. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 1-25.

Türk, U., & Östh, J. (2023). Introducing a spatially explicit Gini measure for spatial segregation. Journal of Geographical Systems25(4), 469-488.

Dentinho, T. P., Kopczewska, K., De Francesco, G., Pascariu, G. C., Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., ... & Türk, U. (2023). Sustainable Development Goals. People and Places chose what they do not have. In Resilience and Regional Development (pp. 169-188). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Doğan, A., & Demirtas, B. K. (2023). Laboratuvar Deneyleri ve Kültürel Farklar.

ERKUŞ, S., & DEMİRTAŞ, B. K. (2023). Deneysel İktisadın Tarihi. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi12(3), 2142-2162.

Demirtaş, B. K., & DOĞAN, A. (2023). Laboratuvar Deneylerinde Gerçek-Emek Görevleri. Ekonomi Politika ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi8(3), 440-466.

ERKUŞ, S., & DEMİRTAŞ, B. K. (2023). The History of Experimental Economics.

Demirtaş, B.K.  (2023). Using Nudges to Reduce Cheating in Exams: A Randomized-field Experiment. In Biçer & Şanlı (Eds.), NEW FRONTIERS IN SOCIAL, HUMAN AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES (pp. 599–613). Duvar Editörs.

Ustaoglu, E. (2024). Estimation of economic costs of air pollution from road vehicle transportation in Turkey. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi13(1), 1-1.

Ustaoglu, E., Lopez, G. O., & Gutierrez-Alcoba, A. (2023). Building composite indicators for the territorial quality of life assessment in European regions: combining data reduction and alternative weighting techniques. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-39.

Ustaoglu, E. (2023). DETERMINANTS OF RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION: A CASE STUDY OF THE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 199-208.

Ustaoglu, E., & Williams, B. (2022). Institutional settings and effects on agricultural land conversion: A global and spatial analysis of European regions. Land12(1), 47.



Abbas, J., & Dogan, E. (2022). The impacts of organizational green culture and corporate social responsibility on employees’ responsible behaviour towards the society. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11.

Aysan, A. F., Polat, A. Y., Tekin, H., & Tunalı, A. S. (2022). The Ascent of Geopolitics: Scientometric Analysis and Ramifications of Geopolitical Risk. Defence and Peace Economics, 1-19.

Bovkir, R., Ustaoglu, E., & Aydinoglu, A. C. (2022). Assessment of Urban Quality of Life Index at Local Scale with Different Weighting Approaches. Social Indicators Research, 1-24.

Chishti, M. Z., & Dogan, E. (2022). Analyzing the determinants of renewable energy: The moderating role of technology and macroeconomic uncertainty. Energy & Environment, 0958305X221137567.

Demirtaş, B. K. (2022). Spillover effects of the minimum wage introduction based on horizontal fairness: A lab experiment. Managerial and Decision Economics.

Demirtaş, B. K., & Türk, U. (2022). Student Performance under Asynchronous and Synchronous Methods in Distance Education: A Quasi-Field Experiment. International Review of Economics Education, 100244.

Dogan, E., & Shah, S. F. (2022). Analyzing the role of renewable energy and energy intensity in the ecological footprint of the United Arab Emirates. Sustainability, 14(1), 227.

Dogan, E., Chishti, M. Z., Alavijeh, N. K., & Tzeremes, P. (2022). The roles of technology and Kyoto Protocol in energy transition towards COP26 targets: Evidence from the novel GMM-PVAR approach for G-7 countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181, 121756.

Dogan, E., Hodžić, S., & Šikić, T. F. (2022). A way forward in reducing carbon emissions in environmentally friendly countries: the role of green growth and environmental taxes. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 1-16.

Dogan, E., Madaleno, M., & Taskin, D. (2022). Financial inclusion and poverty: evidence from Turkish household survey data. Applied Economics, 54(19), 2135-2147

Dogan, E., Madaleno, M., Inglesi-Lotz, R., & Taskin, D. (2022). Race and energy poverty: Evidence from African-American households. Energy Economics, 108, 105908.

Dogan, E., Madaleno, M., Taskin, D., & Tzeremes, P. (2022). Investigating the spillovers and connectedness between green finance and renewable energy sources. Renewable Energy, 197, 709-722.

Dogan, E., Majeed, M. T., & Luni, T. (2022). Analyzing the nexus of COVID-19 and natural resources and commodities: Evidence from time-varying causality. Resources Policy, 77, 102694.

Dogan, E., Majeed, M. T., & Luni, T. (2022). Are clean energy and carbon emission allowances caused by bitcoin? A novel time-varying method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 347, 131089.

Dogan, E., Majeed, M. T., & Luni, T. (2022). Revisiting the nexus of ecological footprint, unemployment, and renewable and non-renewable energy for South Asian economies: Evidence from novel research methods. Renewable Energy.

Ehigiamusoe, K. U., & Dogan, E. (2022). The role of interaction effect between renewable energy consumption and real income in carbon emissions: Evidence from low-income countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 154, 111883.

Ehigiamusoe, K. U., Majeed, M. T., & Dogan, E. (2022). The nexus between poverty, inequality and environmental pollution: Evidence across different income groups of countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 341, 130863.

Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., Östh, J., & Turk, U. (2022). Airbnb and COVID-19: SPACE-TIME vulnerability effects in six world-cities. Tourism Management, 93, 104569.

Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., Türk, U., & Wahlstrom, M. (2022). City love and neighbourhood resilience in the urban fabric: A microcosmic urbanometric analysis of Rotterdam. Journal of Urban Management.

Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., Türk, U., & Wahlstrom, M. (2022). City love and place quality assessment of liveable and loveable neighbourhoods in Rotterdam. Land Use Policy, 119, 106109.

Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., Türk, U., & Wahlstrom, M. (2022). Is City Love a Success Factor for Neighbourhood Resilience? Results from a Microcosmic Analysis of Rotterdam. In INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives (pp. 904-913). Springer, Cham.

Lloyd, F. A. T., Umut, T. Ü. R. K., & Bengu, E. Covid-19 Uzaktan Eğitim Sürecinde Öne Çikan Faktörler: Bir Devlet Üniversitesi Örneği. Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 12(3), 1619-1633.

Madaleno, M., Dogan, E., & Taskin, D. (2022). A step forward on sustainability: The nexus of environmental responsibility, green technology, clean energy and green finance. Energy Economics, 109, 105945.

Metawa, N., Dogan, E., & Taskin, D. (2022). Analyzing the nexus of green economy, clean and financial technology. Economic Analysis and Policy.

Michelangeli, A., Östh, J., & Türk, U. (2022). Intergenerational income mobility in Sweden: A look at the spatial disparities across municipalities. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 14(4), 981-1004.

Najam, H., Abbas, J., Álvarez-Otero, S., Dogan, E., & Sial, M. S. (2022). Towards green recovery: Can banks achieve financial sustainability through income diversification in ASEAN countries?. Economic Analysis and Policy.

Nijkamp, P., Kourtit, K., & Turk, U. (2022). Special issue on'The city 2.0-Smart People, Places and Planning'. Journal of Urban Management, 11(2), 139-141.

Östh, J., Türk, U., & Huang, J. (2022). Modelling place attractiveness in the era of big and open data. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 14(4), 914-915.

Polat, A. Y. (2022). Investor bias, risk and price volatility. Journal of Economic Studies, (ahead-of-print).

Shuttleworth, I., Toger, M., Turk, U., & Osth, J. (2022). The geography of daily urban spatial mobility during Covid: The example of Stockholm in 2020 and 2021. In Pandemic and the City. Springer.3

Taskin, D., Dogan, E., & Madaleno, M. (2022). Analyzing the relationship between energy efficiency and environmental and financial variables: A way towards sustainable development. Energy, 252, 124045.

Teke-Lloyd, F. A., Türk, U., & Özgür Dönmez, R. (2022). Social mobility and pro-government mobilization: the case of July 15th pro-government mobilization in Turkey. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 22(2), 281-304.

Ustaoglu, E. (2022). An Assessment of Land Use/Cover Suitable for Peri-urban Green Space Development: an Example of an Integration of GIS with the Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) Approach.

Ustaoglu, E., & Aydınoglu, A. C. (2022). The External Costs of Road Transport: A Case Study of Turkey. In Handbook of Research on Building Greener Economics and Adopting Digital Tools in the Era of Climate Change (pp. 249-284). IGI Global.

Ustaoglu, E., & Jacobs-Crisioni, C. (2022). What drives residential land expansion and densification? An analysis of growing and shrinking regions. Land, 11(10), 1679.

Ustaoglu, E., & Jacobs-Crisioni, C. (2022). What Drives Residential Land Expansion and Densification? An Analysis of Growing and Shrinking Regions. Land 2022, 11, 1679.

Ustaoglu, E., & Williams, B. (2022). Institutional Settings and Effects on Agricultural Land Conversion: A Global and Spatial Analysis of European Regions. Land, 12(1), 1-38.



Alharthi, M., & Doğan, E. (2021). Analysis of CO2 emissions and energy consumption by sources in MENA countries: evidence from quantile regressions, Environmentel Science and Pollution Research, 1-8. (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Altınöz, B., & Doğan, E. (2021). How renewable energy consumption and natural resource abundance impact environmental degradation? New findings and policy implications from quantile approach, Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy. (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Amin, A., & Doğan, E. (2021) The role of economic policy uncertainty in the energy-environment nexus for China: Evidence from the novel dynamic simulations method, Journal of Environmental Management, 292, Article 112865. (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Anwar, A., Siddique, M., Doğan, E., Sharif, A. (2021). The moderating role of renewable and non-renewable energy in environment-income nexus for ASEAN countries: Evidence from Method of Moments Quantile Regression, 164, 956-967. (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi).

Bilgili, F., Dündar, M., Kuşkaya, S., Lorente, D.B, Ünlü, Gençoğlu, P., Muğaloğlu, E. (2021). The Age Structure, Stringency Policy, Income, and Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019: Evidence From 209 Countries, Frontiers in Psychology, 11. (SSCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Bülbül, S. (2021). Glass ceiling in academia revisited: evidence from the higher education system of Turkey, International Journal of Sociology, 51 (2), 87-104. (ESCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Doğan, E. (2021). Special issue of International Conference on Economics, Energy and Environment (ICEEE'2020), Energy Sources Part B - Economics Planning and Policy, 16 (4), 301-302. (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Doğan, E., Inglesi-Lotz, R., Altınöz, B. (2021). Examining the determinants of renewable energy deployment: Does the choice of indicator matter?, International Journal of Energy Research, 1-14. (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi).

Doğan, E., Madaleno, M. Taşkın, D. (2021). Financial Inclusion and poverty: evidence from Turkish household survey data, Applied Economics, 1 - 13. (SSCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Doğan, E., Madaleno, M. Taşkın, D. (2021). Which households are more energy vulnerable? Energy poverty and financial inclusion in Turkey, Energy Economics, 99, Article 105306. (SSCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Doğan, E.,  Majeed,  M.T., Luni, T. /2021). Analyzing the impacts of geopolitical risk and economic uncertainty on natural resources rents. Resources Policy, 72, Article 102056.Doğan, E., Madaleno, M. Taşkın, D. (2021). 

Doğan, E., Öztürk I., Lau L. S. (2021). Guest Editorial of ICEEE-2020 EEST special issue, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 28 (4), 729-731. (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi). 

Hussain, M., & Doğan, E. (2021) The role of institutional quality and environment-related technologies in environmental degradation for BRICS. Journal of Cleaner Production, 304, Article 127059. (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Michelangeli, A., & Türk, U. (2021). Cities as drivers of social mobility, Cities, 108, Article 102069. (SSCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi).

Muğaloğlu, E., Polat, A. Y., Tekin, H., Kılıç, E. (2021). Assessing the impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Turkey with a novel economic uncertainty index, Journal of Economic Studies. (ESCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi).

Tekin, H., & Polat, A. Y. (2021). Adjustment Speed of Debt Maturity: Evidence from financial crisis in East Asia, Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 24(1).

Tekin, H., & Polat, A.Y. (2021). Do market differences matter on divident policy. Borsa İstanbul Review, 21 (2), 197-208. (SSCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Türk, U., & Sap, S. (2021). The effect of the COVID-19 on sharing economy: survival analysis of Airbnb listings. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 9(1), 215-226. (TR Dizin)

Türk, U., Osth, J., Toger, M., Kourtit, K. (2021). Using Individualised HDI Measures for Predicting Educational Performance of Young Students-A Swedish Case Study, Sustainability, 13(11). (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Türk, U., Osth, J., Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. (2021). The path of least resistance explaining tourist mobility patterns in destination areas using Airbnb data, Journal of Transport Geography, 94, Article 103130. (SSCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Tekin, H., Polat, A. Y. (2021) Is leverage a substitute or outcome for governance? Evidence from financial crises, International Journal of Emerging Markets. (SSCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Polat, A. Y., Aysan, A. F., Tekin, H., Tunali, A. S. (2021). Bitcoin-specific fear sentiment matters in the COVID-19 outbreak, Studies in Economics and Finance (ESCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi)

Tekin, H., Polat, A. Y., Aysan, A. F., Muğaloğlu, E. (2021). Cash Management, Governance, and the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence From Developing Asia, Asian Economic Letters, 2 (4), pp. 1-12.

Polat, A. Y. (2021). The Global Financial Crisis and Corporate Financial Policies, Journal of Economy, Business, and Management, 5 (1), pp. 83-97. 

Muğaloğlu, E. (2021.) Oil Price Shocks During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From United Kingdom Energy Stocks, Energy Research Letters, 2 (2), pp. 24253.

Michelangeli, A., Osth, J., Türk, U. (2021). International Income Mobility in Sweden: A look at the spatial disparities across municipalities, Regional Science Policy and Practice. (ESCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi).

Türk, U. (2021). A multilevel analysis of the contextual effects in distance education outcomes during COVID-19, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 12, pp. 149-169. (ESCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi). 



E Kılıç, E Muğaloğlu. (2020). G7 Countries Unemployment Rate Predictions Using Seasonal Arima-Garch Coupled Models. International Conference on Economics September 10-12, 2020; Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey.

H TEKİN, AY POLAT. (2020). The Global Financial Crisis and Capital Structure Decisions of Turkish SMEs. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi 16 (3), 513-535.

H TEKİN, AY POLAT. (2020). Agency Theory: A Review in Finance. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8 (4), 1-1.

A Michelangeli, J Östh, U Türk. (2020). Intergenerational Income Mobility in Sweden: A look at the spatial disparities across cities. University of Milan Bicocca Department of Economics, Management and Statistics Working Paper, 443.

J Östh, U Türk. (2020). Integrating infrastructure and accessibility in measures of bespoke neighbourhoods. Handbook of Urban Segregation.


U Türk, M Dolciotti, J Östh, A Reggiani, P Nijkamp. (2020). Social Capital, Rurality, and Accessibility: A Comparative Study Between Turkey and Italy. Development Studies in Regional Science, 475-496. 

E Dogan, M Madaleno, B Altinoz. (2020). Revisiting the nexus of financialization and natural resource abundance in resource-rich countries: New empirical evidence from nine indices of financial development. Resources Policy 69, 101839.

A Amin, B Altinoz, E Dogan. (2020). Analyzing the determinants of carbon emissions from transportation in European countries: the role of renewable energy and urbanization. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 22 (8), 1725-1734.

E Dogan, B Altinoz, P Tzeremes. (2020). The analysis of ‘Financial Resource Curse’hypothesis for developed countries: Evidence from asymmetric effects with quantile regression. Resources Policy 68, 101773.

A Hocine, MS Guellil, E Dogan, S Ghouali, N Kouaissah. (2020). A fuzzy goal programming with interval target model and its application to the decision problem of renewable energy planning. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 27 (3), 527-547.

E Dogan, B Altinoz, M Madaleno, D Taskin. (2020). The impact of renewable energy consumption to economic growth: A replication and extension of Inglesi-Lotz (2016). Energy Econ 90:104866.

Tekin, H., and Polat, A. Y. (2020). Is saving vital? Evidence from the financial crisis. Economics and Business Letters, 9(2), 124-134.

S Pandey, E Dogan, D Taskin (2020), Production-based and consumption-based approaches for the energy-growth-environment nexus: Evidence from Asian countries, Sustainable Production and Consumption

A Sharif, E Dogan, A Aman, HHA Khan, I Zaighum (2020), Rare disaster and renewable energy in the USA: new insights from wavelet coherence and rolling-window analysis, Natural Hazards, 1-25.

E Dogan, A Amin, Z Khan (2020), The impacts of different proxies for financialization on carbon emissions in top-ten emitter countries, Science of The Total Environment, 140127.

E Dogan, R Ulucak, E Kocak, C Isik (2020), The use of ecological footprint in estimating the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis for BRICST by considering cross-section dependence and heterogeneity, Science of The Total Environment, 138063.

E Dogan, P Tzeremes, B Altinoz, (2020), Revisiting the nexus among carbon emissions, energy consumption and total factor productivity in African countries: new evidence from nonparametric quantile causality approach, Heliyon 6 (3), e03566.

E Dogan, R Inglesi-Lotz, (2020), The impact of economic structure to the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis: evidence from European countries, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-8.

F Bilgili, E Mugaloglu, E Koçak, (2020), The Impact of Oil Prices on CO2 Emissions in China: A Wavelet Coherence Approach, Econometrics of Green Energy Handbook, 31-57.

Schuss H., (2020), Turkey in Turmoil: Social Change and Political Radicalization during the 1960s, Economic Policy and Interest Groups, Berna Pekesen, Editör, Walter de Gruyter, Inc. , Berlin, ss.31-48, 2020.


E Dogan, I Muhammad  (2019). Willingness to pay for renewable electricity: A contingent valuation study in Turkey. The Electricity Journal, 32 (10), 106677.

U Türk, J Östh (2019). How much does geography contribute? Measuring inequality of opportunities using a bespoke neighbourhood approach. Journal of Geographical Systems 21 (2), 295-318.

U Turk, J Östh (2019). Inequality of opportunity in Sweden: A spatial perspective. University Of Verona Department of Economics Working Paper 9.

U Türk (2019). Socio-economic determinants of student mobility and inequality of access to higher education in Italy. Networks and Spatial Economics 19 (1), 125-148.

A Michelangeli, U Türk (2019). Cities as Drivers of Social Mobility.  University of Milan Bicocca Department of Economics, Management and Statistics Working Paper, 397.

B Ozcan, P Tzeremes, E Dogan (2019). Re-estimating the interconnectedness between the demand of energy consumption, income, and sustainability indices. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (26), 26500-26516.

A Aslan, E Dogan, B Altinoz (2019). Single-Country Versus Multiple-Country Studies. Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), 25-36.

E Dogan, N Taspinar, KK Gokmenoglu (2019). Determinants of ecological footprint in MINT countries.  Energy & Environment, 0958305X19834279.

B Ozcan, R Ulucak, E Dogan (2019). Analyzing long lasting effects of environmental policies: Evidence from low, middle and high income economies. Sustainable Cities and Society 44, 130-143.

F Bilgili, E Muğaloğlu, S Kuşkaya, HH Bağlıtaş, P Gençoğlu. (2019). Most Up-to-Date Methodologic Approaches: Evidence from the Wavelet Coherence Approach. Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), 115-139.

F Bilgili, S Kuşkaya, N Toğuç, E Muğaloğlu, E Koçak, Ü Bulut, HH Bağlıtaş. (2019). A revisited renewable consumption-growth nexus: A continuous wavelet approach through disaggregated data.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 107, 1-19.


MA Destek, R Ulucak, E Dogan (2018), Analyzing the environmental Kuznets curve for the EU countries: the role of ecological footprint. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 (29), 29387-29396.

Inglesi-Lotz, R., & Dogan, E. (2018). The role of renewable versus non-renewable energy to the level of CO 2 emissions A panel analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Βig 10 electricity generators. Renewable Energy, 123, 36-43.

A.Y. Polat, “From Bilateral Approach to Global Free Trade”, Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(3), 2018, 52-58.

V Moutinho, M Madaleno, R Inglesi-Lotz, E Dogan (2018). Factors affecting CO2 emissions in top countries on renewable energies: a LMDI decomposition application. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90, 605-622.

A.Y. Polat (2018). Subprime Mortgages And Lending Bubbles.  Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan 21 (2), 191-216.

SCHUSS H. (2018). Olaf Farschid: Zakat in der Islamischen Ökonomik. Zur Normenbildung im Islam. ZEITSCHRIFT DER DEUTSCHEN MORGENLANDISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT, cilt.168, ss.224-228.


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Dogan, E., and Inglesi-Lotz, R. (2017). Analyzing the effects of real income and biomass energy consumption on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions: Empirical evidence from the panel of biomass-consuming countries. Energy, 138, 721-727.

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Dogan, E. and Aslan, A., (2017). Exploring the relationship among CO2 emissions, real GDP, energy consumption and tourism in the EU and candidate countries: Evidence from panel models robust to heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 77, pp.239-245.

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Dogan, E., 2016. Analyzing the linkage between renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth by considering structural break in time-series data. Renewable Energy, 99, pp.1126-1136.

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Dogan, E. and Turkekul, B., 2016. CO2 emissions, real output, energy consumption, trade, urbanization and financial development: testing the EKC hypothesis for the USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23(2), pp.1203-1213.

Dogan, E., 2015. The relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption from renewable and non-renewable sources: A study of Turkey.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52, pp.534-546.

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Dogan, E. and Seker, F., 2016. An investigation on the determinants of carbon emissions for OECD countries: empirical evidence from panel models robust to heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-10.

Dogan, E., 2016. Estimates of Trade Costs using Gravity Equation in Mixed Effects Model. Applied Economics and Finance, 3(2), pp.39-44.

Dogan, E., 2016. The Relationship between Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and Trade. Bulletin of Energy Economics, 4(1), pp.70-80.

Heiko Schuss: “Wirtschaft und Islam”, (Economy and Islam), in: Brunner, Rainer (ed.): Islam: Einheit und Vielfalt einer Weltreligion (Islam: Unity and Diversity of a World Religion), Stuttgart 2016, pp. 452 – 462

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Dogan, E., 2015. Revisiting the relationship between natural gas consumption and economic growth in Turkey. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 10(4), pp.361-370.


Dogan, E., 2014. Energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from low-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 4(2), p.154.

Heiko Schuss: “Ökonomische Aspekte der islamischen Pilgerfahrt“, (The Economic Aspects of the Islamic Pilgrimage), in: Herbers, Klaus; Lehner, Hans Christian (ed.): Unterwegs im Namen der Religion/On the Road in the Name of Religion: Pilgern als Form von Kontingenz-bewältigung und Zukunftssicherung in den Weltreligionen/Pilgrimage as a Means of Coping with Contingency and Fixing the Future in the World's Major Religions, Stuttgart 2014, pp. 85 – 93


Dogan, E., 2013. Foreign direct investment and economic growth: A time series analysis of Turkey, 1979-2011. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), pp.239-252.

Dogan, E., 2013. Does “Revenue-led Spending” or “Spending-led Revenue” Hypothesis Exist in Turkey. British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 8(2), pp.62-75.


SCHUSS H. (2012). Die politische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Türkei. Geographie und Schule, no.197, ss.4-9.




“Analyzing willingness to pay for renewable energy and factors that influence willingness to pay”, Project No: 2016K727 by TUBITAK

Principal Investigator: Eyup Dogan


"Higher Education during the Covid-19: An Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis" , Proje No: 120K273 by TUBITAK

Principal Investigator: Umut Turk


"Examining economic effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic with sectoral and general indices and suggestions for urgent sectoral measures", Proje No: 120K554 by TUBITAK

Principal Investigator: Ali Yavuz Polat